Are you a candidate for the IC-8 lens?

Are you a candidate?

Take the Next Step

The IC-8 lens is ideal for individuals who want clear vision across the entire range of vision so that they can read an SMS, watch television and drive without having to rely on glasses.

Your first step is to schedule a comprehensive eye exam with an eye surgeon to determine if you are a good candidate for the IC-8 lens. During the eye exam, your eye doctor will discuss your vision requirements, eye health, the natural lens replacement option that is best as well as all risks and benefits of cataract surgery.

If you are considering the IC-8 lens, it is important to understand the following:

  • Visual recovery time varies – you may be able to see clearly at all distances within 24 hours or it could take a few weeks
  • Your vision may fluctuate throughout the day for the first four to six weeks
  • You will need to take eye drops as prescribed to help your eyes heal
  • Magnification may be needed for tiny print or reading in dim light as expected for any lens replacement
Life Looks Better

Learn more about the IC-8 lens and how it is helping cataract patients regain clear vision and achieve spectacle freedom.