4 Reasons to Give Yourself the Gift of Cataract Surgery

4 Reasons to Give Yourself the Gift of Cataract Surgery














It’s December, and for many people around the globe that means it’s holiday season. It’s the season for giving gifts to family and friends. But if you are experiencing declining vision due to a cataract, it’s the perfect time to give yourself a gift too – the gift of cataract surgery. It’s a gift that offers benefits you might not even be considering.

Clear vision is a given. Cataract surgery can result in positive lifestyle changes that people living with cataracts might not even be thinking about. Here are just a few of the benefits of cataract surgery:

  1. Ability to Enjoy Life After Dark
    At first, cataracts can interfere with night driving because they cause a loss of clear vision in dim lighting. As they progress, they can cause glare from oncoming headlights and/or starbursts or halos to appear around lights, making it difficult to drive in the dark without risking an accident. It’s easy to get used to daytime life only, but regaining the ability to drive at night can open up opportunities for both work and play, especially in the winter months when dark comes early. The ability to go to a 7 o’clock movie or meet friends for dinner is definitely a gift worth giving – and receiving!
  2. A Renewed Social Life
    For many people, losing the ability to see clearly equates to losing the ability to interact with the world at large in the same way they used to. Social withdrawal is a natural response to vision loss. Declining invitations can become the easy thing to do. But cataract surgery, one of the most common and effective surgeries in the world, can restore vision, thus opening the door to re-engage socially. Enjoying restaurants, parties and time with friends and family is a priceless gift.
  3. Reduction in Injuries
    Unfortunately, the clouding from a cataract can become severe enough to cause blurred vision. And blurred vision can be dangerous, even for the most fit among us. From climbing stairs to doing laundry, there are many ways blurred vision can be the cause of accidents and falls. But once the cataract is removed, and vision becomes clear, the risk of injury is reduced. Being safer is a precious gift indeed.
  4. Enjoying Activities and Hobbies Again
    Cataracts can interfere with the ability to participate in activities and hobbies. Things like crafts, playing cards, cooking, gardening, reading and even watching sports can become increasingly difficult as cataracts progress. You may tell yourself that giving up things that bring you joy is just a natural part of aging. But what if you could give yourself the gift of continuing to do the things you love at every age?


It can be difficult to predict just how quickly a cataract will develop, so if you notice your vision getting worse before your next scheduled eye exam, don’t wait. And if your doctor has already recommended cataract surgery, definitely don’t put it off. Giving yourself the gift of cataract surgery means so much more than just clear vision.

Don’t forget to put yourself on your holiday gift list. Give yourself the gift of cataract surgery and all the lifestyle benefits that come with it.

For more information about the IC-8® lens for cataracts, visit ic8lens.com.







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